Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Did You Know This?!

And, once again, the government mucks around where it's neither wanted nor needed. Somebody tranquilize these people. Or better yet, get them in therapy for their delusions of grandeur.

Somebody needs to hold a lightbulb over their heads......


Anonymous said...

I did. I'm sure you have figured out by now that I'm totally into the 'Save the Earth' thing ... but I have refused to switch over to the new lightbulbs MAINLY because of the mercury issue. I took the time to actually READ the packaging when I did consider making the switch. I have kids ... lightbulbs get broken. It's just a little too scary.

Melissa said...

I did not know this about these lightbulbs, but now it all seems really ridiculous. That the government would mandate what kind of lightbulbs we use. Good grief.