Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A T-Shirt By Any Other Name....(would still make me snort-laugh a beverage)

I have a teensy-weensy, mild....OBSESSION with funny t-shirts. This may, perhaps, be due to the fact my somewhat prodigious dimensions in the torso category make the wearing of t-shirts a most regrettable fashion option, but the expressive capacity here is enormous.

Thus, I am fated to pine for these jewels.....

....and of course, these beauties are just begging to be worn.

You can make political statements....

...observations about your personal character...

...boast of your athletic prowess...

...or lack thereof.

Or you could aspire to be the greatest of all Speakers of T: The Philosopher.

That is so deeeeep.


Melain said...

Oh. My. GOSH.

I'm dying over here.


I'm still laughing. LOUDLY.

Marni's Organized Mess said...

I LOVE those!!! I so love those kinds of things. I vote for the ice ice baby! Wait, was this a vote? Anyways, I like the Hungry Hippo too. :)

Oh and the rock, paper, scissors, we actually do that around here often. It's how we decide who changes diapers and stuff. LOL

Christy said...

All of these were pretty funny. I like the haiku one! Too funny.

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Cute new pic! ;)

Anonymous said...

I laughed SOOOO hard ... at my desk. Subsequently I was required to read portions aloud to a couple of coworkers who HAD to know what caused my hysterical laughter.